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Monday, May 28, 2012

May 28, 2012 Memorial Day - A day in the air!

Wow, what a fabulous weekend.  The weather was fantastic and today I crossed another item off my bucket list.  A couple of years ago, during a live auction at a charity event benefitting Family & Child Service of Schenectady, I purchased a half hour scenic helicoptor tour and today, I made good use of it and went up in a helicoptor for a tour of Lake George. 

Just a quick 50 minute ride to the Floyd Bennett Memorial Airport in Warren County (about 10 minutes from Exit 19 off I87) in the Town of Queensbury is where we met our pilot Bruce Mowrey from North Country HeliFlite.   Of course, I had to ask Bruce how long he had been flying (just trying to do my due diligence) and he has been flying for over 15 years and has taken more than 2500 visitors on scenic flights in the region.  We started by going to south end of Lake George and working our way back.  We flew up to the top of Black Mountain, which looms 2300 feet above Lake George and where we waved to all the hikers down below.  I have added this hike to my bucket list.  Will be good to get it the view from the perspective of the hiker :) 
All in all, this was a fabulous experience and while it may be a little on the pricey side, remember that the helicopter can hold up to 3 individuals (besides the pilot) so you could share this with friends and cross it off your list as well. 

I will definitely do this again!!!  Let me know if you try it. 

P.S. - We will be auctioning another ride this year so why not come to FCSS 7th Annual Golf Ball Drop on September 14 and bid on this fabulous experience.

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