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Saturday, February 9, 2013

After the snow - February 9, 2013

Sometimes time has a way of just passing by so fast. I haven't written on this blog for quite some time and I am unsure why since the reason I started it was to highlight all that is good here in Schenectady and I still love this area and all that is has to offer. So have decided to jump back in. Today, was just another wonderful day in the City of Schenectady. Between Friday night and Saturday morning, we received almost a foot of snow, making everything look clean and new. My morning began by shoveling the driveway and walk, after that I took a walk over to More Perreca's for a lovely breakfast of eggs, sausage, and slices of their fresh bread toasted to perfection with Elaine Kemner (my son's girlfriend).  After that, a quick walk over the Schenectady County Public Library for a new book. This year's One County One Book is The Art of Racing in the Rain, and if you are looking for a good book, I highly recommend this one. We are blessed with so many good things here in the City of Schenectady and today was just another great day. I love to read and if you do too, I suggest a stop at the Schenectady Library for something new and if you decide to have breakfast before going, I say stop by More Perreca's on your way and enjoy your day!